The terror comes from the sky, Terror of the Peaks!

Terror of the Peaks is a creature card with the Dragon subtype, originally printed in the Core Set 2021 expansion, and now it’s reprinted in the Outlaws of Thunder Junction.

Terror of the Peaks is not just a powerful standalone card but also a centerpiece in strategies that revolve around its ability to deal damage whenever creatures enter the battlefield under your control.

MTG Terror of the Peaks - Terrifying Dragon

Here are some additional aspects to consider:

Combo Potential: Terror of the Peaks has excellent combo potential in certain decks. Players often look for ways to abuse its ability by repeatedly bringing creatures onto the battlefield or by creating token creatures. Combining it with cards that allow you to flicker or reanimate creatures can create devastating combos, dealing massive damage to opponents or their creatures.

Creature-based Strategies: Decks built around Terror of the Peaks typically focus on creature-based strategies. This can include tribal decks centered around Dragons or other creature types, as well as decks that generate value from creatures entering the battlefield or leaving it. Cards that provide additional benefits when creatures enter the battlefield, such as drawing cards or gaining life, can complement the damage-dealing ability of Terror of the Peaks.

Protection and Support: Since Terror of the Peaks can be a high-priority target for removal spells or abilities, it's essential to protect it and ensure it can stick around to maximize its impact. Players often include cards that grant hexproof or indestructible to Terror of the Peaks, as well as cards that can return it from the graveyard to the battlefield if it's destroyed.

Mana Ramp and Acceleration: As a five-mana creature, Terror of the Peaks benefits from mana ramp and acceleration effects that allow you to cast it earlier in the game. Cards that generate extra mana or reduce the cost of creatures can help you get Terror of the Peaks onto the battlefield ahead of schedule, putting pressure on your opponents sooner.

Alternate Win Conditions: In some cases, Terror of the Peaks can serve as an alternate win condition in decks that may not rely solely on creature combat. Its ability to deal damage directly to opponents or planeswalkers can chip away at their life total, providing an alternative path to victory if traditional combat isn't viable.

Overall, Terror of the Peaks is a potent card that can be the linchpin of various strategies in Magic: The Gathering, offering both offensive firepower and combo potential to decks that include it.

Add this amazing Dragon to your deck!

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