Invasion of Ikoria: perhaps the most terrifying battle yet?

Unleashing Ikoria's might: a formidable addition to the battlefield.

Much like planeswalkers, Battles have a defense rating and can be attacked but also have fairly good, if not great enter the battlefield effects. The March of the Machine battles, in particular, function as sieges, allowing you to choose an opponent to defend the battle. Once their defense counters are depleted, you gain the ability to cast their backside, with a enters the battlefield trigger.

Invasion of Ikoria // Zilortha, Apex of Ikoria - Super Trample

Among these battles, the Invasion of Ikoria stands out as potentially the most fearsome. Like a slightly weaker Green Sun's Zenith, it requires X plus 2 green mana to fetch an X-drop from your deck or graveyard, excluding humans. Its color-agnostic nature makes it versatile, fitting well into toolbox creature strategies. Additionally, it doubles as a revival option, fetching creatures like Dryad Arbor or Vampire Hexmage, the latter enabling a quick transformation into an 8/8 creature with "Super Trample" and Reach.

In the broader context, Invasion of Ikoria emerges as one of the standout cards in the set "March of The Machine".

While its true potential may shine in formats with deeper card pools, its flexibility and resemblance to the potent Green Sun's Zenith suggest it will prove valuable in various situations, even if it never flips.

Start your invasion now!

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