Do you know that Tamiyo's Journal is the perfect card for a Murders at Karlov Manor deck?

Tamiyo's Journal provides card advantage, deck manipulation and fits thematically with a Murders at Karlov Manor deck, Deep Clue Sea.

Tamiyo's Journal - Clue Generator

Investigate Mechanic: Shadows over Innistrad introduced the Investigate mechanic, and Murders at Karlov Manor further develops and progresses it, allowing players to create Clue tokens using certain spells or abilities. Tamiyo's Journal triggers this mechanic at the beginning of your upkeep, ensuring a steady flow of card draws (and artifact creation, ripe for sacking) throughout the game.

Clue Tokens: Clue tokens are artifacts that can be sacrificed to draw a card. This ability synergizes well with Tamiyo's Journal, as it provides a way to convert the Clues generated by the Journal into additional cards, further enhancing your card advantage.

Deck Tutoring: The ability to sacrifice three Clues to search your library for a card and put it into your hand is a potent tool for deck manipulation. It allows you to find specific answers or threats when needed, increasing the consistency and flexibility of your deck's strategy.

Combining this card with Mayhem Devil and Krark-Clan Shaman can systematically destroy every small creature (token) during each turn.

Fuel your Clue Token strategy today!

Get the bundle (Clue Spells Death Combo) now!

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