Save yourself and creatures you control from board wipes and major attacks

Galadriel's Dismissal is an incredible instant spell that serves as a lifeline for your creatures, shielding them from the devastating effects of opponents' board wiping cards, monstrous attacks or targeted removal.

After painstakingly assembling your formidable army, facing the heartbreak of losing every creature in an instant, or in combat, can be disheartening. However, Galadriel's Dismissal provides the perfect strategic response.

Board Wipe Cards Response

Even when mana resources are scarce, this spell allows you to salvage at least one precious creature, or more if you have the mana sources to spare. Or, you can phase away an opponent's creature(s) giving you time to lead yourself and/or your creatures to safety, at least for a turn.

Galadriel's Dismissal emerges as an ultimate response, turning the tide in your favour and preserving the fruits of your hard-earned efforts on the battlefield.

However, this card can be VERY hard to find as it's only available in one of the Lord of the Rings - Tales of Middle Earth special edition Scene Boxes, which has a few great cards in it, and can itself be hard to find at times, and getting all the more expensive to buy, making the singles from it even more limited in availability.

Buy Galadriel's Dismissal in an instant, before it phases out!

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