Are you an aggro red deck player ready to unleash massive damage?

Delayed Blast Fireball is an striking red instant spell introduced in Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate (CLB).

Delayed Blast Fireball - Aggro Weapon

When you cast this spell directly, it deals 2 damage to each player and each creature on the battlefield. However, if you foretell Delayed Blast Fireball, it becomes even more potent, dealing 5 damage instead. You also have the option to exile this card, keeping it aside to cast at a more opportune moment. This flexibility allows you to strategically decide when to unleash its full potential, enabling you to wipe out more threats or finish off opponents efficiently.

Overall, this instant proves to be a versatile red spell, capable of serving as direct damage to clear the board or swiftly eliminate troublesome creatures. It finds its place in decks focused on burn strategies or those seeking to control the battlefield with impactful spells.

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